Its been a long time waiting...
The Doors Have Opened
- By SHLIM --
- Saturday, 07 Nov, 2020
It's taken a long time to get here, 2 years in fact. But finally, RetroDetect opens its doors to the interwebz. So what is RetroDetect you may ask? Well, its a treasure trove of information. Built upon the fascination of things that are not documented, or could be documented further. A website which not aims to be 'the greatest', but one which aims to bring you the finer details which other sites pass up on, or simply deny as usefull. We are a team of indeviduals who strive off knowledge and information, and refuse to give up when answers are not available.
Yes, thats right.....2 years in the making, and around 300,000 lines of code later, and we are finally here. Its been a stressfull ride, but a determined one. RetroDetect is now here to stay.
As stated above, RetroDetect (or RD as it may be referred to) is a websited based around mainly retro gaming information that the WWW has none, or very little knowledge of. The reason for the original idea of the website was based around the fact that i like to collect wierd and obscure items. Now whereas some of these items may be considered unworthy of most peoples collections, this means they go relatively undocumented online. Bad sales usually mean all youl find on google is a dead Amazon link, or a barcode that leads to nothing. But then this is also the case for many great sellers out there. Youd be suprised how many websites document false information, just because theyve scraped info from another website, who scraped it from a newsfeed that reported false details. The evidence of this, especially in the PS2 era, is phenominal. In the past 2 years there have been many instances when 'region only' games have been discovered as untrue, and games that were said to never be released actually did get released. RetroDetect thrives off putting facts straight, and we aim to be the 'goto' place for definitive information. The retro gaming market is growing daily, but the majority of prices are rocketing due to false information being spread. Games that sold in the millions are considered rare because of popularity, and in time this increase in demand for items that really have no value will inevitably cause a collapse in the market.
We aim to help not just new collectors, but veterans alike, find the most detailed information possible to help them make a correct choice in purchasing items. We aim to make sourcing of information a lot more simpler, and we cannot do this only by ourselves, which is why we invite other like minded collectors, or gaming veterans/Designers/Developers to come and help us to grow the website. So, if you have anything that you think will help shape the site you can become a Guest Writer, where you will be able to share your own information and facts. We would love to hear stories from people involved in development and publishing companies from all eras, and im a personal fan of looking back at old gaming tournaments of the 90s, that mostly went undocumented online due to the WWW being so new. In time we hope to build a team of informative indeviduals who all share a love and passion for the retro, and modern gaming industry.
Thank You....SHLIM
Comment (6)
2020-05-28 08:30:12teste ste
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2020-05-28 09:49:32new comment
2020-05-28 09:52:51c o d e l i s t . c c 2020-05-28 09:52:51comment replay
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2020-05-28 09:53:372nd replay
2020-05-28 09:54:25New Comment 2
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2020-05-30 13:15:16This is test commets