Now Playable Trouser Trouble Hidden PSX Game
Thursday, 09 Dec 2021 00:00 am

RetroDetect - The source for obscure gaming knowledge

So for those interested in finding hidden files amongst Playstation demo discs the news of this game may not be news. But Reddit user Crouts0 has finally unlocked the mystery of getting it to play.

The game in question is the once mysterious Trouser Trouble that was developed by the user known on Reddit as Luxocrates. It was hidden inside the PSM magazine disc #39 and accessed via a secret buton command once the Demo disc had loaded. However, in a previous Reddit thread Luxocrates had mentioned that when sneaking the files onto the disc he accidentally forgot to disable the extra RAM memory used on the Playstation development kits and therefore the game would not load on a commercial Playstation console.

Due to this, even though many people were aware of the files existance sadly the game could never be played. That is until today when Crouts0 presented that he had finally discovered how to get the game to play. After playing around with several emulators for the Playstation he discovered that the DuckStation emulator includes an option to “Enable 8MB RAM (dev console)”, which then gives the files on the disc acces to the extra memory needed to load the game. After loading the disc and pressing UP, L1, R1 and then hitting X it will load.

The game itself its a tile moving game where you rearrange blocks in order to reveal different PS Magazine staffs trousers. Not exactly what youd expect to find hidden in a demo disc...but now everyone can enjoy it nonetheless.

The video at the start of this article is from Pollys Archive Youtube channel, please leave a thank you comment for sharing the discovery. And here is another video talking about the discovery of the game: and here is the original Reddit post: