something to enjoy Gaming Documentaries Worth Watching
Monday, 05 Dec 2016 17:00 pm

RetroDetect - The source for obscure gaming knowledge

In this post we talk about a few various Gaming Documentaries that we think are worth watching. Whether it be about Retro Gaming or Competitive play, there will definitely be a few here you'll all enjoy.

A Brief History of Graphics (2014)
This is a documentary that goes into such detail you'll be drawn in from the opening sentence. Starting from the very first pixel you'll learn things about the development of graphics, and many things you currently take for granted. It explores everything from the early days of graphical development, right through to todays age of gaming. Created by Stuart Brown as a 5-part mini series, its a relatively short documentary. But, its one that will cause you to watch the other equally educative documentaries available on the Ahoy YouTube channel.
Ahoy YouTube Channel

Frag (2008)
Frag is a documentary that follows the lives of several professional competitive gamers. Taking you on a journey into the depths of competitive gaming, you'll see the pressures that arise when playing at such a high level. You'll discover the corruption that some cant escape, and many things you thought did not exist in the competitive gaming industry.
View more info on the Frag IMDB Official Page.
Chasing Ghosts: Beyond the Arcade (2007)
Unknown to most, Chasing Ghosts is an unnoficial follow up the King of Kong. It focuses more on the lives of those associated with the Twin Galaxies team, and although is a very interesting and educative documentary there are elements that seem as if it tries to mock those its filming. You'll learn more about the process involved in scoring at Twin Galaxies, interviews from record holders, learn the direction Walter Day see's the gaming future, and many more things that will keep you entertained throughout.
You can take a look at Chasing Ghosts on IMDB.

Video Game Invasion: The History of a Global Obsession (2004)
I guess you could call this the encyclopedia of gaming history. Starting from the very beginning, the Video Game Invasion takes us on a journey through the whole industry (until 2004). Leaving what seems like no stone unturned, this is a documentary your most likely to reference in the future. Hosted by Tony Hawk, and featuring interviews from many important faces in the games industry, VGI is a documentary you'll be happy to see time and time again.
Video Game Invasion @ IMDB

/afk Away From Keyboard (2011)
Following the lives of a few online PC gamers for 6 years, /afk is a journey of enlightenment that shows us not only the joys, but the struggles in life that a gaming addiction can cause. It has a good way of keeping you drawn in and can be used in an educational way to help understand how to cope with losing yourself to the online environment.
Check out /afk @ IMDB

All the videos can be found on YouTube, we have linked all official IMDB links we can find so if any direct links aren't found then please use a YT search to locate them.
I will make a follow up with another 5 documentaries worth watching soon, hopefully all those who decide to watch them think we made a good choice.